Igazán különleges építmény várja a tél szerelmeseit Svédország északi részén.

A Torneälven folyó több tonnás jégblokkjaiból épült a hotel, ami mérnökök és művészek keze munkáját dicséri. Íves folyosók, jégszobrok és egyedi szobák várják az odalátogatókat. Meleg ruha persze szükséges, de cserébe igazán különleges élményben lehet része az embernek.

A fázósabbaknak komfortosabb szobákat is fenntart az Icehotel, de azért valljuk be, az már nem ugyanaz.

Körülnézve a jégcsodában, a látvány páratlan:

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Which way is up? 34 Meters is one of the new Deluxe Suites in ICEHOTEL 365, which you can enjoy long after the seasonal suites have melted. This suite is designed and hand-made by artists Luca Roncoroni and Dave Ruane. Photo Asaf Kliger. Lightning by ICEHOTEL Lighting team. ____________________________ Enter a deep and vertical world, and feel the cold of the glacier. Its massive presence is tangible in the natural, raw ice. Fall asleep at the end of the tunnel, cradled and sheltered by the unpolished Arctic. “With 34 meters of ice walls and 32 tons of raw Torne River ice – even on the ceiling – this suite is record breaking. Due to the huge amount of ice, the room is 4-5 degrees colder than average. Literally a cool experience!” ____________________________ About the artists. Luca Roncoroni is an Italian architect and designer based in Norway, specializing in temporary architecture and installations, exhibitions and design. He likes photography, skiing and running with his dog Nero. Dave Ruane or "Irish Dave" as he is also known as, works with ice, snow, metal, and wood. He has worked for ICEHOTEL with different ice projects in Jukkasjärvi and around the world for many years and brings his Irish charm into all of his work.  ____________________________ @asafkliger #icehotelsweden #icehotel #icehotel28 #sweden #visitsweden #swedishlapland #iceart #interiordesign #glacier #34meters

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